Chesed and Tzedek: Kindness and Justice in Action

Netivot Shalom is committed to caring for our neighbors and creating a more just society. We demonstrate our dedication to tikkun olam through service and advocacy with organizations such as the Alameda County Food Bank, Bend the Arc, and American Jewish World Service. We encourage congregants to both support and initiate projects that strengthen our connections to each other and our ties to the world around us. For ongoing opportunities to participate, see below. To join the social action email list or bring a program to Netivot Shalom, contact

Climate Tzedek

Climate Tzedek is a coordinating committee that works to engage our Congregation Netivot Shalom community to address the climate crisis and promote environmental justice. We work to support education and action at the household, synagogue, local, state, national and international level to cut greenhouse gas emissions, including moving off of fossil fuels. This includes promoting a fair and just transition to 100% renewable energy and engaging in a range of other actions that nurture healthy and sustainable communities and ecosystems. Climate justice issues are also racial justice issues and we do this work as Jewish anti-racists. Email to get involved.

Lotsa Helping Hands

Congregants are invited to sign up with Lotsa Helping Hands so that we, as a community, can respond to congregant needs as they arise. To sign up, click here and then  click “Join this Community.”

Annual Interfaith Blood drive

Save a life by joining our Annual Interfaith Blood Drive! Netivot Shalom hosts in partnership with the American Red Cross. Supplies of blood products get extra low in the summer months; help us maximize our contribution to those in need by filling every appointment time available.

“A”, “B” and “O”-type donors (“the missing letters”) are especially needed!

Our co-sponsors for this event include our neighbors at The Way Christian Center, Pacifica Institute, Qal’bu Maryam Women’s Mosque, and Berkeley Buddhist Monastery. Questions? Contact Mary, Vicki, Barbara or Carole at

Dorothy Day Men’s Shelter

On the first Sunday of the month, CNS volunteers gather to chat, chop and cook together for the men of the Berkeley Men’s Shelter (2140 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704; 5 to 8pm). Volunteers are always welcome to help with shopping, food prep, serving food, preparing dessert at home and bringing it — or sponsoring a meal, even if you can’t help with the preparations yourself! Sign up at, or contact for more information. Adults and teens welcome!

Knetivot Knits

Join this friendly circle of knitters and crocheters as we make simple projects for various charitable organizations.  All ages, genders and abilities welcome; instruction is available. They meet monthly on a Sunday at Netivot Shalom. Contact for more information.

Annual Holiday Food Drive

1 in 5 Alameda County residents now receives food aid from Alameda County Community Food Bank (up from 1 in 6 in 2010). The ACCFB can stretch every $1 you donate into $6 worth of food, accomplishing far more for less.

Every November and December, we participate with area congregations in the Annual Holiday Food Drive to provide urgently needed support to households and families. You can make a donation at any time at
