Amitim is a two-year Jewish-life training program designed for students in grades 6 and 7, preparing to become B’Mitzvah.
In Amitim, students strengthen their Hebrew reading, learn to chant prayers and how to read from the Torah. They explore Torah commentary and prepare to write and deliver a drash (teaching) on the Torah portion and how it is meaningful to them and to the world today.
Becoming B’Mitzvah may seem like a checklist of tasks. It is our hope that this experience will be deeper than a surface “to do” list. Our students develop their language of prayer and spirituality, exploring our traditional words and practices to connect their heart to their deepest desires, aspirations, and connections with God. Our goal is that our students feel connected to Judaism and what it means to be a responsible, participating member of the Jewish people.
Amitim is a space to explore tradition and our place in our modern world. While the formal, exact Hebrew words are important to learn, just as important are the words and connections of one’s heart. Some of our practices may feel unfamiliar to some students, so we take two years to build up new experiences and flex our Jewish muscles.
Amitim meets on Tuesdays 4:00-6:00 (except for holidays), beginning with an orientation for students and parents on September 5, 2023 and concluding on May 21, 2024. The second year of the program will conclude in May 2025.
In addition to our Tuesday classes, Amitim students join together for Family Education on Shabbat mornings, Torah study throughout the year, and support each other by attending B’Mitvzah throughout the year.
In order to celebrate a B’Mitzvah at Congregation Netivot Shalom, one must be halachically Jewish, as defined by the Conservative Movement (meaning born to a Jewish mother or converted) and must be a current member of the congregation. Rabbi Chai can answer any questions that you may have regarding your child’s halachic status and our Executive Director, Ken Schnur, can answer any membership questions.
If you have any questions, please contact the Hillary Fox, Youth & Family Programming Coordinator,