
Welcome to Life Story Circles! We’re so glad you’re interested in learning more about this new initiative.
On November 20, at 3 pm in the sanctuary, you’ll have a chance to:
- hear from members currently in a Circle
- experience a Circle facilitated by one of the planning team
- ask questions, and
- sign up to participate in a newly forming Circle
Meanwhile, you’ll find information below that will give you an idea of what to expect and answer many of your questions. If you have a pressing need to know more before the event, or would like to know more but can’t attend, get in touch and a member of our planning team will contact you.
Planning Team:
Linda Blachman, Judy Breakstone, Lee Bearson, Joel Gerwein, Serena Heaslip, Claire Max, Rochelle Nason
To RSVP for the event please email lifestorycircles@netivotshalom.org